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Archipp Konovalov
Archipp Konovalov

Iata Dangerous Goods Declaration Form

If you have already entered your DG information, it will automatically populate on this screen when you add the product to your shipment. If not, click Lookup DG to search for your item in the IATA Database of Dangerous Goods. The list of dangerous goods is slightly different for IMO than it is for IATA, so you may need to edit these for IMO shipments.

iata dangerous goods declaration form

You are now ready to print the documents needed for your dangerous goods shipment. On the EZ Start tab, click the Preview/Print/Email button. I have narrowed my document list to just show the DG documents. The IMO is available as a full document or with just the data that can be printed on a pre-printed form. Here is the full document.

These requirements are essentially what the dangerous goods shipper is declaring when they complete the IATA Dangerous Goods form and what appears in bold type in the bottom left-hand corner of the form:

Shipping Solutions Professional export documentation and compliance software is the easy way to complete your IATA and IMO Dangerous Goods forms. If you already know all the dangerous goods-related information for your products, you can store them in the Shipping Solutions Product Database so the information automatically fills in when you select your products.

The materials provided by Shipping Solutions in no way alter, satisfy or influence any federal or state requirements. The information provided does not meet the training requirements as required in DOT 49 CFR. The study and/or use of Shipping Solutions software does not qualify an individual to prepare, package, transport or otherwise handle dangerous goods or hazardous materials.

The information contained in this document is subject to change or update due to changing government regulations. The user of this document assumes responsibility for complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the shipment of dangerous goods. InterMart shall not be held responsible for any loss, injury and/or damage caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misrepresentations of the contents of this software, forms or documentation or for any unauthorized or inappropriate use.

To ship dangerous goods, consignors are required to prepare a form certifying that the cargo has been packed, labeled and declared according with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). The attached sample Shipper's Declarations form reflect those that have been adopted into the 60th edition of the DGR. Forms of the design as shown in the 59th edition may continue to be used until 31 December 2024.

Section 8 of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations require the shipper of a dangerous good to provide the information specified by the regulations for each and every consignment of dangerous goods unless an exception is provided at This information may be provided in one of two formats:

Sub-section requires the number of packages and the net quantity of each item of dangerous goods bearing a different proper shipping name, UN/ID number, or packing group to be entered on the declaration. Known as step 6 in the sequence for preparing the DGD, there are several ways the net quantity can be entered on the form.

Many shippers pass on their responsibility of preparing the dangerous goods documents to their freight forwarders, who issue the Air Waybill and other relevant documents for air transport and organize for the transport. These freight forwarders, who being trained on dangerous goods, further outsource for the preparation of the Shippers Declaration to a third party organization who is not at all involved in any of the functions between the shipper and the forwarder. This many a times have resulted in incidents or mis-declaration. Due to this practice, even the competence of the shipper or the freight forwarder cannot be judged subsequent to the training.

This training is designed to instruct shippers on how to properly offer dangerous goods for shipment by air according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Regulations. All shippers of dangerous goods, using most of the major domestic and international cargo and passenger airlines, must follow the current edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods regulations. IATA conforms to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements which are referenced by the U.S. DOT. FAA strictly enforces the air regulations, and violators can have their shipments rejected and returned and/or be penalized (up to $186,610 per civil violation). IATA training is considered supplemental to, and a function-specific element of, DOT hazardous materials training. Training is required every 3 years.

Those roles may include any or all of the following: identifying and classifying dangerous goods, selecting or preparing packagings, labeling or marking packagings, and reviewing or preparing dangerous goods declaration forms.

Pre-printed declaration forms may be used. The format of the boxes and dotted lines may be changed to accommodate the shipper's requirements. The form can be printed in black and red on white paper, or it may be printed in red only on white paper. The diagonal hatchings in the margins must be printed in red. See Subsection 8.1.7 for examples. Subsection provides paper size requirements, which are standard letter and ledger size paper.

In some cases, consignments of multiple packages are consolidated into one shipment. This consolidation consists of packages originated by more than one person, each of whom made an agreement for air transport with someone other than the scheduled carrier. A consolidated shipment requires a separate declaration form for each component consignment of the dangerous goods.

The shipper must provide two copies of any completed and signed declaration forms to the operator. One copy is retained by the accepting operator and the other copy is forwarded with the shipment to its destination. If EDP or EDI is used, the data from the forms must be produced as a paper document without delay.

All articles and substances offered for transport must be declared using their Proper Shipping Name, as listed in bold in Subsection 4.2 of the IATA List of Dangerous Goods. Any additional text after the bold Proper Shipping Name is optional, but may be included on the declaration form. If waste goods, other than radioactive waste, are being transported, the Proper Shipping Name must be preceded by the word "WASTE." Review Subsection 8.1.3 for more details on the proper shipping name requirements.

The declaration form must be signed by the shipper or a designated representative. Reproduced signatures are acceptable if the applicable laws recognize them as legally valid. However, typewritten signatures are not acceptable. Electronic signatures are used for EDP or EDI transmissions.

IATA developed the Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR) and all goods considered dangerous and traveling by air must comply with these regulations following strict requirements for labeling, packing, and declaration (Dangerous Goods Declaration or DGD).

Ensuring safety during the transport of dangerous goods is a priority for couriers and shippers during the material handling and transportation process. Therefore, there is a mandate to optimize safety standards when transporting hazardous or dangerous goods. It involves various activities among completing necessary documentation such as declaration for dangerous goods.

A shipper's declaration sheds light on the nature of the goods on transit, thereby preventing safety hazards by applying the best measures in handling the dangerous goods. In addition, the information provided will be worthwhile in planning and implementing safety measures for handling and transportation of dangerous goods. Hence, the declaration of goods is paramount as it mitigates risks of harm, damage, and financial loss to your business.

If you have trouble filling the DGD, ask for assistance from your carrier. Aside from completing the form, you must keep up to date with the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations. A good strategy for you to follow is to visit the IATA website frequently! IATA may modify the DGD document or add amendments on packaging requirements/quantities. The association may also implement other restrictions on specific dangerous goods.

If you're transporting dangerous goods by ocean freight, you must complete a shipper's declaration according to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Regulations Code (IMDG Code). The IMO endorses the regulations to ensure safety during transportation by ocean vessels. According to the IMDG Code, the shipper's declaration must identify the goods, classification, packaging, marking, labeling, and placard correctly. In addition, you must complete the dangerous goods declaration form according to chapter 5.4 of the IMDG Code.

The shipper's declaration contains particulars like the shipper's name, consignee, the exact and specific type of hazardous material, details of the container and vessel/voyage, details of the quantity, type, and kind of package used, and additional information for special handling. Therefore, you're required to fill in these details accurately and according to the regulations. It's important to note that amendments are made after two years.

In essence, the shipper's declaration for dangerous goods on transit by road and rail requires the exact details as found in the IATA DGD and IMDG Code declaration documents. They are similar because they are used to ensure safety standards are taken during material handling and transportation of dangerous goods and mitigate safety hazards.

It's the shipper's responsibility to ensure that they provide accurate information in the Dangerous Goods Declaration. As you duly sign in the declaration agreeing that the information is exact. Correct information enables efficient handling and transport of dangerous goods, and the correct information can reduce airfreight/maritime/on-land disasters, including loss of life. 041b061a72

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